Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Some of you may already know what I do besides blogging but for those who do not, I am a student studying Interior Design. 
For the past days, I haven't been blogging much, sorry for that. I was glued to my drafting board, drawing plates like there's no tomorrow.
 If only I could pause time for 3 hours each day, I would definitely have more room for outfit posts, events and of course shopping. Sigh.

My mind's about to explode, honestly. There's so much homework needed to be done and there are days/nights when I feel uninspired. 
No matter what I do, I just couldn't come up with a 100-worthy plate. Having to sleep the earliest at 2am  and wake up 4-5 hours after on most days sure does drain your creative juices.
So what I normally do is to walk to my favorite coffee shop (usually at 12 mindight lol), sit outside, stare at the trees, buildings, cars, people and try to look for inspirations in the surroundings while sipping a cup of warm caramel macchiato.  I then open my laptop and surf the internet for some more inspirations and usually in 30mins or so, ideas would be overflowing and that'd be the perfect time I start working on my plates. 

Tonight's no different from my normal evening. I'm in a coffee shop with a mug on my side and laptop on my..lap. That sounded weird. lol 
I'm searching for inspirations for the drawings I've to submit tomorrow and above are what I found.  Scandinavian interior is my favorite. I just love how fresh and light it is. I always get that relaxed homey feeling just by looking at photos like these.

I know this post may not be as appealing as my outfit posts, but I just thought sharing to you the other thing I love besides fashion would be something different and new.

I hope you are all having a great night! :)


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